Membongkar Perbedaan Worldview: Perspektif Islam Dan Barat Dalam Konsep Ekonomi Ditengah Hegemoni Kapitalisme
Kata Kunci:
worldview, kapitalisme, ekonomi islamAbstrak
This article aims to analyze the relationship between Islamic worldview, Islamic economics, and capitalist hegemony in a contemporary context. The Islamic worldview has a unique foundation of values, principles, and beliefs, which encourage economic practices that differ from conventional capitalism. However, in the era of globalization, the dominance of capitalism has affected various aspects of life including the economy in countries with a majority Muslim population. This article will discuss the implications and challenges faced by Islamic economics in the face of capitalist hegemony, as well as efforts to promote an alternative economy based on Islamic values.
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Islamic Economics & Finance Research Review

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