Komersialisasi Sungai Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam (Studi Kasus Lubuk Larangan Sungai Batang Gadis)
Kata Kunci:
Commercialization, Lubuk Larangan, local government, IslamAbstrak
Water is important as a source of life for living things. Commercialization itself is the act of making something as merchandise. Lubuk Larangan is a river restriction not to take fish at a certain time and may be taken after having requirements at a specified time. This study identifies the implementation process of Lubuk Larangan in Mandailing Natal Regency and analyzes it according to the principles of Islamic Economics. The type of research on is a research that is solely based on qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative research using stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing.
Hak Cipta (c) 2023 Islamic Economics & Finance Research Review

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