ASAS Law Journal
ASAS Law Journal, Published since 2023, ISSN: 3031-9676 by Asas Pengabdian Nusantara originally titled ASAS Law Journal . Asas Law Journal focused on various subdiscipline of the legal science.
- Basic principle of jurisprudence
- Private law
- Criminal law
- Procedural law
- Economic and business law
- Constiutional law
- Administrative law
- International law
- Law and society
In addition to these fields, Asas Law Journal also accepts texts covering topics between law and other scientific fields sociology, legal anthropology, law and economics, and others.
Journal title ASAS Law Journal Subject Law Language Indonesia, English ISSN On process Frequency 2 issues per year (Juni & December) DOI - Acreditation - Editor in-Chief Dr. M. Alpi Syahrin, SH., MH Publisher Yayasan Lembaga Pendidikan Asas Citation Analysis Google Scholar, Garuda, Moraref, Crossref. Published 2 (two) times a year in June and December. Each issue contains 5 articles, both conceptual articles and research articles. Asas Law Journal is published in Indonesian, but English texts are also accepted.
Rethinking: The Journal of Islamic Studies
Rethinking: The Journal of Islamic Studies adalah
Islamic Law Review: Journal of Islamic Family Law and Social Issues
Islamic Law Review: Journal of Islamic Family Law and Social Issues is peer reviewed journal by Institut Riset dan Publikasi Asas Nusantara. The journal is aimed at spreading the research results conducted by academicians, researchers, and practitioners in the field of Islamic Law. In particular, papers which consider the following general topics are invited; Islamic Family Law, Islamic Criminal Law, Islamic Politics, Islamic Judicial, Legal Aid in Islam, Islamic Jurisprudence and related to Islamic social issues. The journal is published periodically twice a year, i.e., every June (first edition) and December (second edition).
Editor In-Chief : Kemas Muhammad Gemilang (Scopus ID: 58494015300) Publisher : Institut Riset dan Publikasi Asas Nusantara ISSN : 3024-9619 DOI : Frequency : 2 issues per year -
Trust: Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement (TJCE)
Selamat datang di website resmi Trust: Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement (TJCE) . Dengan semangat pengembangan pengetahuan lebih lanjut tentang sistem hukum di Indonesia dan Jepang kepada masyarakat luas, website ini menyediakan artikel jurnal untuk diunduh secara gratis.
Islamic economics and finance Research Review (IEFRR)
Selamat datang di website resmi Islamic economics and finance Research Review (IEFRR). Dengan semangat pengembangan pengetahuan lebih lanjut tentang sistem hukum di Indonesia dan Jepang kepada masyarakat luas, website ini menyediakan artikel jurnal untuk diunduh secara gratis.
Insight Management and Business (IMB)
Insight Management and Business (IMB), with registered number ISSN 3024-8531 (Online), is a peer-reviewed journal published two times a year (June, and December) by Institut Riset dan Publikasi Asas Nusantara. IMB intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of research on management and business. IMB invites manuscripts on various topics including, but not limited to, functional areas of marketing management, finance management, strategic management, operation management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, management accounting, management information system, international business, business economics, and entrepreneurship.
Journal title
Online ISSN
Indexing: Insight Management and Bussiness
: 2 issues (June and December)
: 3024-8531
: Asepma Hygi Prihastuti
: Institut Riset dan Publikasi Asas Nusantara
: Google Scholar | ROAD | -
jurnal kajian dan riset akuntansi (JKRA)
JURNAL KAJIAN DAN RISET Akuntansi ISSN: 3032-033X , is published by ASAS Pengabdian Institute. The journal is published twice a year in April and December, intended as a medium of information, communication, and dissemination of research results and scientific studies in the field of Accounting, economics and finance.
Journal of Administration Studies
Journal of Administration Studies (JAS) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Institut Riset dan Publikasi Asas Nusantara. This journal contains various scientific articles from academics, researchers and/or practitioners that discuss theoretical and empirical findings, as well as the latest developments in contemporary social phenomena at local, national, regional and global levels; Public policy, Technology Innovation, Public administration, business administration, and Organizational Management.
Journal title
Online ISSN
Indexing: Journal of Administration Studies
: 2 issues (August and February)
: by
: 3025-6534
: Asepma Hygi Prihastuti
: Institut Riset dan Publikasi Asas Nusantara
: Google Scholar |